Friday 6 March 2015

                                      Graffiti Book Cover

                                        Using Illustrator


         I created this Graffiti book cover by using Adobe Illustrator. Firstly, I opened a new page by a suitable size for the back, front and spine of the book cover to be visible. I added the rulers by going to 'view'-'ruler'-'show rulers' option, and by finally dragging the ruler along the page by dragging from one side of the page, until it reached 210cm across from the left, and from then, 15 more cm along. I then started off by typing in the title of the book cover, and changing it's font and colour in relation to the style of 'Bauhaus', by the artist Bayer, Herbert (year 1923). I then added multiple layers containing the black background of the book, the text and images to prevent any confusion of what part of the book I'm working on. The year of the book cover could be based on the 70's or 80's, because of the colours and images.

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