Friday 30 January 2015

                   This book cover was influenced by the 1970's cover styles. This colour scheme was chosen since a 1970's cover usually contained either dull or bright colours, such as yellow, brown or black. In order to achieve this effect, I masked out the image using the lasso tool, lowering the opacity in order to blend in the image with the background. I also styled the font of 'Graffiti' using the text and blending options, and decided to mix in the title with the paint spray for a better effect.

Friday 9 January 2015


   For this task, I used Adobe Illustrator. We were mainly  focusing on using the 'knife' tool in order to create this effect.  I firstly opened a new page in Illustrator, which was of course, landscape. Then I typed in the title 'Blowfish Angels' in large letters that fit on the whole page. After doing so, I went to 'object' and 'expand' in order to select the letters to be able to change them. I then selected a few of the letters to change the colour, using the 'knife' tool. After doing this with all the letters, I then labeled the letters by the form of the colour.